The boys were pretty excited this year about dressing up and getting to trick-or-treat.
Will was a great baby, sleeping through the evening's events.
Sean is extremely excitable, and apparently if you put a monkey costume on him, he can't stop running and screaming, "I A MONKEY!" I think the whole neighborhood enjoyed watching him go from house to house.
Henry was so sweet and polite. It went something like this:
Henry: thank you (after receiving a piece of candy)
Person handing out candy: no response
Henry: thank you (no response)
thank you (no response)
thank you
Person handing out candy: your welcome
Henry: good job! (running down the driveway) Mom, Dad, they said 'your welcome'!
Funny Henry Moment:
Person handing out candy to Sean: "You are an adorable monkey."
Henry: "I'm a door bell too!"
Needless to say, Josh and I found much joy watching our boys have a wonderful time, but we were very tired!