
November 12, 2011


Here are the boys getting ready to trick-or-treat.  Our hotel is right next to Commander's Row on base, so thats where we headed to collect candy.  This was the most generous neighborhood that we have ever visited on October 31st- we got MANY full sized candy bars and three very full bags of candy.  The boys had a blast, and once again, Josh and I enjoyed watching them.  Please don't notice that William is not in costume... and if you must, I would like to tell you that he refused to wear his costume just to make myself feel better, but that would be dishonest.  He had a blast anyway, and chances are, he would have refused a costume.

The boys have been extremely generous with sharing their treats with the twins.  They seem to be very sympathetic to their younger siblings' cravings for sweets.  Even though the babies have been more active than ever since Halloween, I am afraid the majority of the treat-aftermath has stuck with me.

We did our best to do our regular Fall/Halloween festivities without home and belongings, but unfortunately we didn't get too many photos (our camera is running out of battery, and the charger is in storage).  We did attend the Medical Group's Halloween party, and that was another opportunity for food, games, friends, costumes, CANDY, and lots of fun.  The boys are already plotting Halloween costumes and fun for next year!