
April 19, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Once again, joining the group for Friday Quick Takes, hosted by Grace....

Out of the mouth of babes....

1.  We took a family outing to one of our favorite locations, Costco, and after sampling multiple very sugar-filled samples and some shopping-boredom set in, the big boys began to get a little restless and started viewing the store as a giant jungle gym.  After Josh reminded Henry of proper store behavior, Henry responded with, "It seems like you are trying to take all of my fun away."

2.  Shortly after putting the older three boys to bed, Henry came down stairs and told us he wasn't able to sleep because there was something stinky in his room.  He was sent back to bed.  Shortly thereafter, William came down stairs.  When asked why he was down stairs, William replied, "Because I am stinky."

3.  In base housing, they do not offer garbage service, so we have to dispose of our own garbage at  centrally located dumpsters.  Josh asked the boys if anyone wanted to come with him for a "dump run"
William excitedly volunteered and asked, "Can I wear duck feet?"
Josh: Duck feet?
William: Oh, I mean bear feet

4.  Sean has been writing letters to anyone and everyone he knows lately, including myself.  I was enjoying reading this sweet letter from my boy who eats, breaths and sleeps sports, and then I saw the last line....

Although at times this may be true, next week in school, we will add the word "best" to his spelling list.

5. While Henry is reading a story to Sean and Will.....
Henry: "Sean, can you hold my water bottle for me?  Secondly, don't get your mouth germs on it."
Sean: "Sure.  Secondly, I tooted."

6.    The other day at lunch, after correcting William's verbal behavior multiple times, I finally said, "William, hush up!"  Without hesitation, he responded, "I hush down."

7.  This last one is from my babe, with a capital B....
I can't remember exactly how Josh and I got on the topic, but somehow I stated that I would not use the adjective "charismatic" to describe his personality.  After seeing disappointment on his face, I desperately tried to dig myself out of that hole by quickly saying that I have never really been attracted to "charismatic" people, and then went on to name a few people who I would describe as charismatic, and how I find them annoying or shallow.  I was still in the hole when I changed my approach by showering him with praises about how everyone loves the "strong, silent" type of man, which he totally is.  The damage was done, but my-perfect-in-every-way husband, has a great sense of humor, and sends me this text when our conversation was abruptly interrupted by a tired baby...

April 7, 2013

Go Big Red!

I'm hijacking Jen's blog to share THE highlight from the Red-White game yesterday.   For those who don't bleed Scarlet and Cream, the Nebraska spring game was yesterday....the final, big, scrimmage at the end of spring practice. Over 61,000 fans in attendance and, for the first time, thousands watching the TV broadcast, got to share an experience that goes well beyond football.  Enjoy....

April 5, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Catching up through Quick Takes...
--- 1 ---
So recently the boys were playing wildly in the house, which is totally normal and safe.  But all of a sudden I realized the house was quiet, which is anything but normal and safe, so I set out to investigate...which led me to the laundry room to find Henry and Sean hiding in the washer and dryer with the doors closed!  OH MY GOODNESS, I nearly had a heart attack!  That incident led to yet another rule in our home which forbids any hiding in appliances of any kind.
--- 2 ---
We fell victim to the gastroenteritis bug earlier in March, and forgetting that one son had yet to experience it, I made green waffles before Mass on St. Patrick's Day.
Shortly after Mass, this boy declared he did not feel well, and took off for the bathroom.  The poor kid did his best, but as Josh so accurately described the damage, "it looks like a leprechaun was slaughtered in here."  I spend my sabbath scrubbing that bathroom from floor to ceiling.  The good news is I knew exactly where I needed to clean, the bad news is that it triggered the OCD cleaner in me when I had to practically dismantle the whole toilet lid to get in every green nook and cranny.

--- 3 ---
Henry finished up a semester of art class.  He had a great time, and made some (in my unbiased motherly opinion) real masterpieces.  Here are some of his pottery pieces: a mug, bowl and "snack plate" (unpictured)

--- 4 ---
We often worry about William's ability to handle any sort of confrontation, or really, just life in general....after an altercation broke out in the back row of the van (where the three oldest sit) one boy was instructed to apologize to Will, to which Will replied, "if anyone thes (says) thorry (sorry) to me, I will hit them."  Another little concern of ours comes when we play an innocent little game of "Tell Me a Story" in which you look at a sweet little picture and make a story about it.  Whenever William is using his imagination, he somehow always works in a "jack knife" or "jail" into the story.  Recently, Josh said, "Don't you think it is kind of scary that Will looks good in black."

--- 5 ---
The Conway Crew did not take Gonzaga's ugly loss very well at all.  I will spare you the mourning and wailing details, because honestly, it still hurts.  But I will share a few little post-trauma details: Henry ran into the bathroom (about 20 min after the boys found out Gonzaga lost) while Josh was showering to inform his father, "Dad, Sean says he HATES Gonzaga, and he is going to get all of his Gonzaga stuff and my Gonzaga stuff and throw it in the garbage."
When we were leaving for Mass the morning after the game, we noticed something on the windshield-  A few of our kind neighbors had signed a sympathy card for our family.  Nothing like the love and support of good people when you are down, even if it was more of a joke while they were under the influence.
--- 6 ---
We were finally responsible enough to open bank accounts for the boys.  The lady who helped us was more than kind, patient, and helpful to the boys.  She genuinely answered each one of Henry's questions as to how the bank works, exactly which date to put on his deposit slips, where her desk decorations came from, etc, etc, etc.  She took her time with each boy, and let them count their money for her, and she even laughed without judgement when William, who 99% of the time is contrary just to be contrary, was arguing with his brother about what day it was and shouted his only form of proof to (incorrectly) defend his case for the whole bank to hear, "MY UNDERWEAR DOES NOT SAY TUESDAY."

--- 7 ---
Josh and I attended a fantastic one day marriage retreat.  To Josh's relief, it was more lecture from an excellent speaker, rather than all of the "fluffy" talk and discussion that you might normally encounter on a marriage retreat.  The speaker did a great job of quickly explaining many complex philosophical and theological, and controversial topics related to marriage.  His first talk started off with The Creation Story from Genesis, and how God had designed man, woman and marriage. He went on to explain how complementary man and woman are, and how Eve was the perfect companion for Adam (unlike the animals),  and how before the Fall, they were able to understand and communicate so easily by gazing into each others' eyes, and....well, that was when Josh leaned over and whispered, "So, I think he is saying we should do a lot less talking."
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!