
April 9, 2011

Hello Again!

Wow, where has the time gone?!  I will try and give you a brief update on the Conway household:

January- not to complain, but we were a little surprised at how chilly Florida's panhandle (or, "Lower Alabama" as Josh calls it) gets in the winter months.  And, when the beach isn't an option, there really are not many options as far as things to do.  Anyway, we were surprised about that, but we survived:)

February- here and there, the sun came out, and we took advantage of those few days, and headed to the beach!  The water was cold, but the boys didn't care, they got soaking wet.  And, I was quickly reminded how much of the beach we bring home after our visits.  Did I tell you that we named our van, "Sandy"?

March- March just flew by.  My dad and his friend, Sylvia, stopped by for a quick visit, and we had a great time with them.  Josh had a dental conference that he presented at in Atlanta, so we all joined in on the vacation.  The boys and I didn't see much of Josh those five days, but we managed to have a blast in spite of that.  It was probably our most successful hotel stay...meaning, that we actually slept even though we were all in the same room!  Oh, and we stayed at the Ritz Carleton!  It was fun pretending like we were regulars there, but we have since decided that Embassy Suites is about where we max-out on the "fancy hotel" scale.
The boys and I made a few trips to IKEA, went to the Atlanta zoo, played for hours in Centennial park, and got to spend some quality time with the other wives/children from the residency.  Also, we were able to have dinner and hang out one evening with my great friend, Michele, and her family.  Michele and I went to school together from Kindergarten through 12th grade, and we have managed to remain close over the years even though we have been separated by distance for the past few years.  She is just one of those friends that we pick up right where we left off, and our families had a great time together.  It was so good to see you, Michele!!

April- I had surgery.....and not the kind I always thought I would.  When I woke up, my gallbladder was gone, but the rest of my body was the same!  Recovery wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, but we're a week post-op now and I'm starting to feel pretty good.  Dad and Sylvia came to stand in as human jungle gyms, since I'm not available for climbing and jumping on for a few weeks.  And, we turned in our base rankings on Friday...pretty stressful and a lot of back and forth, but we finally came up with a list....should find out next week where we're going.

More pictures and stories to come.....just wanted to give a quick update. We hope everyone is doing well.  We'll send out emails, texts, and posts when we find out where we're going.

1 comment:

  1. 'bout time! Thanks for the updates. So excited to visit!
