
April 26, 2010

Things are winding down

Some exciting stuff going on around here...

First of all, we sold our house!  We sold the Saturday evening before Easter!  Needless to say, our Easter celebration was all the more celebratory.  Selling a home was about as fun as I had imagined...not at all.  Like many times of "suffering" we are glad we experienced it, but glad it is over.  Thank you to all who offered up prayers for us, we know they helped.  A special thank-you to St. Joseph (the patron saint of house-selling), we did a novena for his intercession, and we did indeed sell our home with all of the specifics that we included in the novena.

Congratulations to Josh...we recently received word that he passed his final board exam!  When it is all said and done, I believe he had four days of written national exams, two days of written western regional exams, and two full days of clinical exams for western regional boards...WOW!  He has also finished up all of his clinical requirements for graduation, and he only has SIX more days of school left!!  HOORAY. 
Josh, I am so proud of you, and I am honored to be your wife.  I look forward to the next chapter of our life together...

A few weekends ago, Josh and I attended his senior banquet.  We had a blast!  It was so fun to get dressed up and celebrate the conclusion of four great years with his classmates and professors.  Here is a picture of our big night out!                 And us with some friends....


  1. HOORAY!! The house sold. I am so happy for you. What a huge relief!! When do you close? I hope the timing is working out well. Congrats to Josh and to you. Six days... isn't that crazy to think about. So glad you were able to go celebrate and you looked FANTASTIC!!!!

  2. Yeah, FANTASTIC, is right! Congrats to both of you for not only surviving school but thriving with 3 gorgeous boys to boot! What fun!

  3. congratulations to you guys!! so many reasons to celebrate! you're looking great too--love the dress!

  4. I'm so happy for you guys! and Jen you look FANTASTIC!
