
October 5, 2011

The DOUBLE BIG news...

we are expecting, twins!  Due date: March 12, 2012.  here they are...
5 weeks:
12 weeks:

I am 17 weeks now, and so far the babies are looking and growing very well.  Thank you to all of you who have been praying for us, and please continue to keep us all in your prayers!

So, since have received A LOT of questions/comments, I will just try to answer a few for you all here-

1. Where you surprised?  duh.

2.  Are you excited?  duh.

3.  Identical or Fraternal?  fraternal...they said identical at first, but now think fraternal

4.  Are you hoping for a girl(s)?  i would really love to have a daughter and share that mother/daughter relationship with someone again, but after three boys, it is difficult to picture a baby girl, and it is also a bit intimidating (for some of us more than others).  oh, and if i do have a girl, i will be going on a huge shopping spree, but i am not sure i could afford two at one time after suppressing this urge of mine for so many years!

5.  What was Josh's reaction?  had i not been in such shock, i would have video taped some sort of clever way to tell him, but i was in shock and on a mission to find him somewhere on Eglin AFB to share the news.  Anyway, i showed him the ultrasound picture, and he said,
"Nuh, uh.  Are you kidding me?"
me: no
him: (with a huge grin) wow.
me: um, are you happy?
him: yes, i am really excited.
and then i literally saw beads of sweat form on his face!!  I really feel blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive and baby-loving husband:)

6.  Are the boys excited?  super excited.  they tell EVERYONE, which has lead to a lot of comments/questions, which has inspired me to answer some of them here.  Henry is sure we are having a boy and a girl, but wants to name them "Jacob" and "Jake" because those names sound alike.  Sean would probably name them "Soccer" and "Football".

7.  Are you finding out genders?  yes, we have to be as prepared as possible for their arrival.  however, we aren't telling anyone until they are will be a big surprise for you all!!

8.  Are you "done" having kids after this?  so personal, but i would rather answer this now versus during my first trimester, or shortly after i deliver so i can honestly answer it-  as far as children go, we take the approach that we will just take them one at a time, or in this case, two at once!  when the time comes, we pray and evaluate what we are called to do.

9.  Do twins run in your families?  didn't think so, but apparently my paternal great, great-grandfather had four sets of fraternal twins. there have since been a few more on that side of the family, but no close relations.

10.  Are you nervous?  duh.

I hope that covers it!  Oh, and we are open to suggestions for names... even naming two children at one time seems overwhelming!


  1. Hooray! I love the bunk bed photo of sweet. Your family is blessed!

    You do know, don't you, that there are far more questions you will be assaulted with...the tacky ones that deal with T.V. watching are inevitable. Hopefully they catch you on a good day!

  2. ha! i love how you list all the (sometimes annoying) questions people ask. when I was preg. I wanted a t-shirt that just said "yes we're finding out and no I won't tell you." couldn't be happier for you both and it couldn't have happened to better parents!

  3. hey i found that verse I mentioned before:
    "from the one who has be entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48
    You and Josh have done such a wonderful job with your 3 boys, perhaps God knows He can ask much more of you by blessing you with twins!

  4. I am so excited for you all!!!!! Stay healthy and get started on another baptismal gown :)

  5. Yay for twins!! I am so excited for you guys! God & Cinde Lou are truly watching over your family..... I can't wait and I am still going to convince you to tell me the genders.....seriously I can do some shopping for you ;) and I won't tell anyone! I also have some great names in mind.....
