
March 12, 2012

They Are Here...

February 17, 2012

Benjamin Paul
5lbs 12oz 18.5 inches

Samuel Blaise
5lbs 11oz 20 inches

The day before they were born, I had a growth ultrasound with the Fetal Maternal Specialist, and he said that they were too small, and needed to be born.  We postponed induction until the morning.  All was going as planned, until Sam decided to flip breech, so they were born via C-section.  The babies are wonderful, and we are so blessed!  The three older boys just adore their little brothers, and are so eager to hold them and help out.  Ben and Sam are fraternal twins.  They have different blood types, and they look very different- Ben resembles Henry as a newborn, and Sam resembles Sean as a newborn (and Henry & Sean are pretty proud of this).

We have had one illness after the other in our home since the babies have arrived, so our photo shoots have been pretty much non-existant.  Here are a few photos of the little guys....



A huge thank you to all of you who have been praying for us, our pregnancy and delivery.  The love and support we have received from family and friends has been overwhelming and a huge help.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!


  1. You and Josh are so blessed! Thank you for more cousins for my children.

  2. LOVE those pictures!! you're totally right about ben looking like henry! pretty crazy how that all works out. i hope everyone will be healthy in your home soon--hang in there!

  3. Oh my goodness!!! I am so excited. I wish I could hold those little babies. The pictures are amazing. I am so sorry everyone has been sick. Can't wait to see more pictures. Much love!!!
