
January 8, 2013


What a wonderful month of December we had!  Last years scenario (months of living in a mouse-infested base hotel, without our belongings, in a new place, and me growing baby twins) felt a little more like Lent than Advent, so we made the most of our Advent season this year.  It wasn't too difficult  to put a little more effort into our spiritual activities, since last years Advent preparations consisted of me reading the book Unbroken in order to get me through the last week in that hotel.  I am already setting lofty goals for next year's Advent, because there is always room for improvement- right?,  so I am thinking something along the lines of decorating the house with purple and a splash of pink EVERYWHERE!!  I think that will be a great way to make these boys sufferrrrrrr help us enter into spirit of the season even more.
Okay, back to this year....we did all sorts of activities for advent, and celebrated numerous feasts, and then we broke down and started decorating the house for Christmas after Gaudete Sunday.  It was William's year to place the star on the tree.  He was excited and all smiles....
....until actually placing the star required more hands-free-elevation than he was comfortable with... Henry willingly did the honors
Here is William leading us in our Advent prayers at dinner time one evening.  We were instructed to respond with "Holy Mary Mother of God" after William said, "goose".  He relished his leadership role, but unfortunately his time to shine was abruptly cut short...

I barely finished Ben & Sam's stocking in time! 
My brother and his friend, Helen, met up with us at Christmas Eve Mass and spent the holiday with us.  We loved having them join us and help eat some of the gigantic amount of food I made.  
Oh yes, I am still getting the kids matching the PJ's for Baby Jesus!!  Please don't tell them that they will hate that I did this to them some day- I am going to keep this going as long as I can.  I wish I had a better picture of the boys (non-blurry) from Christmas Eve, but I suppose I can get one since we are keeping the kids and the PJ's.
Christmas morning.  The babies had already tumbled down the stairs (kidding)...
Fireworks are illegal here, so Josh built a bottle rocket launcher for the boys and neighborhood kids to ring in the New Year...
If this is the first little project the Conway boys come up this year, I can only imagine what is in store for me for the remainder 364 days of 2013....pray for me!

On the night of the 6th, we did an Epiphany Blessing on our home.  The prayer was beautiful as we blessed each room in our home, but Henry and Sean could not let flying water (sprinkling of holy water) go untouched.  Once again, a competition erupted- this time it consisted of who could intercept the most holy water during the sprinklings.  Needless to say, they both came out a little damp, and hopefully slightly more reminded of their Baptisms- which will probably result in a more fervent commitment to reject sin, and a deeper more profound spiritual life????  I hope.

Have a Blessed and Holy Christmas and safe and joy filled 2013!

P.S. Are you tired of the background to all of my pictures being sterile white, yet scuffed walls?  Me too.  I hope to do something about it soon.  Maybe I will just paint it purple with an accent wall of pink, and then I will be all set for next Advent:)


  1. I think William should get the opportunity to place the star on top of the tree next year since this year didn't work out. Jude has had the last five years of first excited, so ready,...cannot let go of Greg so the next in line gets to do it. Too funny! We have the same happy/crying/frightened photos. And I'm all for pink and purple. I will even help you paint!

  2. happy new year!! your stories just crack me up! gotta' love all those boys! come our way if you need your fill of girls...i'll send christian to your house for a bit b/c he gets rather sick of it :-).
