
January 26, 2013

Boy Talk...

Yesterday as the kids and I were all crammed in the laundry room bundling up for P.E. class, the following conversation took place:

Me: pew, somebody stinks

Sean: Sorry.  (I hear a very muffled) I arted...

Me Thinking: "did one of my precious innocent children say the 'F' word?  Where in the world would he have heard that???"

Me:  you did what?

Sean: I hearted.

Me: you HHHHHarted?

Sean: Yeah, it is like a toot, but your bottom doesn't make a noise, it just squirts out stink.

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, this left me wondering how the boys would react to a valentine that said, "I Heart You"???  Oh yes, they would die thinking it was the funniest thing they had ever seen, because that is right where their little boy senses of humor are at.  And, if any of you get such a message from any one of them, now you know what kind of love they are sending your way...


  1. that's hilarious! btw, that's the "f" word that emily thinks ralphy says on "a christmas story." i think i may just post about that too... :-)

  2. like father like son, right? As Josh's only sister, I can testify to being victim to many a "harting"
