
April 7, 2013

Go Big Red!

I'm hijacking Jen's blog to share THE highlight from the Red-White game yesterday.   For those who don't bleed Scarlet and Cream, the Nebraska spring game was yesterday....the final, big, scrimmage at the end of spring practice. Over 61,000 fans in attendance and, for the first time, thousands watching the TV broadcast, got to share an experience that goes well beyond football.  Enjoy....


  1. Oh gosh! My nose is so swollen and red now. That was just beautiful. Called the crew over and watched it twice. My young ones now think that it would be so great to have cancer. Relax...they are only 7 and 8 and dream of playing football. I'm a Huskers fan until they play OSU. I do have to live with my husband, after all!

  2. Love your blog. I don't comment but I laugh outloud at the boys antics. Just thought I would let you know that I do enjoy keeping up on all your activities
