
October 18, 2012

"I'm Free!"

No, I haven't flown the coop just yet, this is about William, but we aren't giving him away just yet either...he turned three at the end of July, and he proudly declares his age ("free") whenever given the opportunity.  We had so much fun celebrating his life, and his special day.  The best part was having our dear friends, Nick and Megan, who happen to also be William's godparents, here with us for his birthday.  It had been waaaay too long since we have been able to see them, but it made our time with them extra special.  As if he would forget, big brothers reminded Will throughout his special day that he was permitted to do whatever he wanted, and it was comical to overhear such conversations:
 "do you want Sean and I to play the Wii, Will?"
"Will, should Henry and I get a treat?"
"William, do you want us three to go get ice cream?"
etc, etc, etc....
 All William requested for his birthday was a "red cake".  We were temporarily stumped trying to capture our William within the boundaries of "red cake".  Then, alas!  we found our inspiration as we reflected back over the span of Will's life.  Thankfully Megan has some cake skills that she brought with her, and was a huge help designing and decorating the masterpiece....a big, red crab!

He L.O.V.E.D. his cake
Our favorite things about William:
Sean- "When he wrestles with me"
Henry- "That he is my brother.  I just love him, that's all"
Mom- I love how William still loves to cuddle, and is many times content to just be near me.  He randomly and unprovoked will frequently say, "Mom, I love you too".  Will has a great little sense of humor and understanding, even when he is being contrary.  Lastly, Will loves chocolate almost as much as I do, so he and I have special moments where we sneak off to the pantry to eat chocolate chips, and afterwards, we both feel much better! 
Dad- I love William's curiosity, and how he will crawl up on my lap or lay on the couch and cuddle with me.

1 comment:

  1. I miss that Willum! Why don't you just load up your crew and come visit? You are always welcome, so don't be lazy.
